alwitra flat roof
alwitra - your specialist for high-quality flat roof systems
Take our word for it: our alwitra flat roof systems ensure most reliable and permanent flat roof waterproofing. We are the only manufacturer to offer all components of the water-draining layer within a system - technically perfectly integrated, with a track record of more than 55 years of practical application worldwide.
United on top.
“United on top.” is what we believe in. We live up to this genuine commitment every single day. We are at our customers’ side, we put ourselves in their place, supplying products and services for practical use. Together with roofers, architects, designers, and distributors, we design and realize extraordinary, exceptionally durable and stunning flat roofs. Learn more about our mindset and our commitment...
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Flat roof design – digital assistants
Practical experience for practical use: alwitra offers digital tools as important as folding rules, roofing hammers, and computers. Our digital assistants help facilitating easy, quick, reliable, and compliant design and realization of your flat roof right from the start.