alwitra Partner weltweit.
alwitra Produkte sind in vielen Ländern weltweit erhältlich und im Einsatz und bewährt. Mit einem dichten Netz an Partnern sind wir weltweit für Euch da. Sprecht uns an!
Me sistemin alwitra per hidroizolimin e tarracave, ne ju ofrojme mundesine me te mire dhe te sigurte per hidroizolimin e tarraces tuaj. Si i vetmi prodhues i ketij sistemi, ne ju ofrojme te gjithe komponentet e sistemit per drejtimin e nivelit te ujit: membrane EVA-PVC , profilet e aluminit, elementet drenazhues, ajruesit e tarracave termike, sistemet e ndricimit natyral dhe shume elemente te tjere. Nepermjet produkteve inovative, dekada vite experienc dhe keshillimit individual realizojme zgjidhjen e cdo problemi ne tarraca.
Partneret tane profesional mund tiu ndihmojne ju me kenaqsi:
Frosina Plaku Str 40
AL - 1023 TIRANA
Tel. +355 42 22 53 38
Cel. +355 68 20 29 807

ASB St. Vith
Steinerberg 1 (Z.I. II)
B-4780 St. Vith
Tel. +32 80 280 400
Fax +32 80 280 419

DEG Tout pour le Toit Srl
Rue des Trois Entités 26
B-4890 Thimister-Clermont
Tel. 0032-87660892

FINN-ROOF Dachsysteme AG
Zur Domäne 23
B-4750 Bütgenbach
Tel. 0032-80446060

O sistema de impermeabilização de telhado plano alwitra proporciona a máxima segurança para a sua construção.
Nós somos o único fabricante oferecendo todos os componentes necessários para a impermeabilização de seu telhado plano, com uma solução proporcionada por um sistema completo: mantas de impermeabilização, perfis de alumínio, sistema de drenagem, janelas para telhado plano, sistemas de iluminação natural e muito mais – com uma combinação tecnicamente perfeita e comprovada pelo uso efetivo em todo o mundo.
Com produtos inovadores, décadas de experiência e suporte técnico, podemos resolver qualquer desafio de impermeabilização de telhado plano.
Nosso parceiro experiente terá todo o prazer em ajudar:
alwitra Brasil Importaçao e Comercio Ltda
Cobertura Plana Ltda.
Rua Rio Grande do Sul, 742
BR-18190-000 Araçoiaba da Serra
Tel. +55 11 5031 4455
Fax +55 11 5031 9614
Avec le système pour toiture terrasse alwitra nous vous offrons la plus grande sécurité pour vos travaux d’étanchéité. Comme unique producteur, nous vous proposons un ensemble complet pour traiter le niveau de l’étanchéité : membrane d’étanchéité et accessoires, profils de rives en aluminium laqué, système d’évacuation des eaux pluviales, ventilations, coupoles de toiture et encore beaucoup plus de produits qui se combinent parfaitement et qui ont fait leurs preuves dans le monde entier. Avec nos produits innovants, notre expérience de plusieurs décennies combinés avec un conseil et support technique spécifique à vos projets, nous sommes en mesure de proposer des solutions adaptées à toutes les situations.
Kingspan Etanchéité France
13 rue Pierre Gilles de Gennes
69007 Lyon
Tél +33 (0) 437 707 970
Το σύστημα υδρομονώσεως για επίπεδες οροφές της εταιρείας alwitra εξασφαλίζει την μέγιστη ασφάλεια στο κτήριο σας.
Είμαστε η μοναδική εταιρεία η οποία παρέχει το σύνολο των απαραιτήτων εξαρτημάτων για την ολοκληρωμένη υδρομόνωση της επίπεδης οροφής σας: υδρομονωτικές πολυμερικές μεμβράνες, προφίλ αλουμινίου στηθαίων, υδρορροές, εξαεριστικά, διαφωτίστους θόλους και πλήθος άλλων εξαρτημάτων με αποδεδειγμένη αντοχή σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.
Με τα καινοτόμα προϊόντα μας, την συσσωρευμένη εμπειρία δεκαετιών και υποστήριξη από το τεχνική μας τμήμα είμαστε σε θέση να ανταπεξέλθουμε σε οποιαδήποτε πρόκληση επίπεδης οροφής.
Ο συνεργάτης μας θα χαρεί να σας συμβουλεύσει για κάθε σας απορία.
Proteos 45 St.
Kifissia, GR 145-62
Tel. 00 30 210 722 2895
Cell 00 30 694 418 9872

The alwitra flat roof waterproofing system provides maximum security for your building. We are the only manufacturer to offer all the necessary components for the waterproofing of your flat roof as a complete system solution: waterproofing membranes, aluminium profiles, flat roof drainage, flat roof vents, daylight systems and much more – technically perfectly matched and proven worldwide in practical use. With innovative products, decades of experience and technical support we can resolve any flat roof waterproofing challenge.
Make sure to have a look:
Our experienced partner will be happy to assist
ICB (Waterproofing) Ltd.
Unit 9-11, Fleets Industrial Estate, Willis Way
GB-Poole BH15 3SU
Tel. +44 1202 785 200
Fax +44 1202 785 201

अल्वित्रा के बनाया गया फ्लॅट रूफ वॉटरप्रूफिंग सिस्टम भवनों के लिए अधिक से अधिक सुरक्षा देते है|
अल्वित्रा दुनिया का ऐसा एक मात्र निर्माता है जो फ्लॅट रूफ वॉटरप्रूफिंग के सारे सहाय उप साधन – जैसे के रूफ वॉटरप्रूफिंग मेमब्रेन्स, रूफ स्काइलाइट्स, स्मोक हॅच, अल्यूमिनियम प्रोफाइल्स इत्यादि खुद स्वयं बनाते है|
पिछले 60 वर्षों से अल्वित्रा की फ्लॅट रूफ वॉटरप्रूफिंग की व्यवस्था दुनिया के बहुत से देशों के माशूर भवनों पर लगाए गये है|
आप के किसी भी तरह का रूफ वॉटरप्रूफिंग आवश्यकताओं के लिए हमारे देशीया प्रतिनिधि से संपर्क करें|
SLJ Impex
12-13-536, Ground Floor
Street No.14, Lane No.10, Tarnaka
IND-Hyderabad-500 017 / Andhra Pradesh
Tel. +91 40 2717 7985
Fax +91 40 2717 7985

The alwitra flat roof waterproofing system provides maximum security for your building. We are the only manufacturer to offer all the necessary components for the waterproofing of your flat roof as a complete system solution: waterproofing membranes, aluminium profiles, flat roof drainage, flat roof vents, daylight systems and much more – technically perfectly matched and proven worldwide in practical use. With innovative products, decades of experience and technical support we can resolve any flat roof waterproofing challenge.
Our experienced partner will be happy to assist
ICB (Waterproofing) Ltd.
Unit 9-11, Fleets Industrial Estate, Willis Way
GB-Poole BH15 3SU
Tel. +44 1202 785 200
Fax +44 1202 785 201

Il sistema per il tetto piano di alwitra Vi offre la miglior sicurezza per la sua impermeabilizzazione. Siamo gli unici sul mercato ad offrire tutti i componenti che servono per completare la copertura piana in ogni suo dettaglio: guaine impermeabili, profili in alluminio, scarichi, sfiati, cupolini e lucernari e molto altro ancora – un sistema perfettamente compatibile e apprezzato in tutto il mondo. Risolviamo ogni situazione con i nostri prodotti innovativi, la nostra esperienza pluriennale e la consulenza personale.
Il nostro partner avrà piacere ad aiutarle:
Riwega GmbH
Jonas Ebner
Tel. +39 338 600 5250
Via Isola di Sopra 28
I-39044 Egna (BZ)

DEG S.à.r.l.
Industriezone Schelek II
Rue "In Lachemer"
L-3225 Bettembourg
Tel: 00352 26 34 64 94

61 an der Fraesbich
Zone d’activité Op Riner
L-8509 Redange/Attert
Tel: +352 23 64 64

30, rue de l'industrie à Bertrange
(L-8069) Luxembourg
Tél. : +352 402122-1
E-mail : contact@

Sistemom ravnog krova alwitra nudimo Vam veliku sigurnost za Vašu krovnu hidroizolaciju.
Kao jedini proizvođač nudimo Vam sve komponente za odvodne plohe kao sistemsko rješenje: Krovne i brtvene folije, aluminijske profile, odvodnju ravnog krova, odzračnike, sisteme dnevnog svjetla i još mnogo toga – tehnički perfektno jedno sa drugim usklađeno i sa svjetski raširenom praktičnom primjenom dokazano. Sa inovativnim proizvodima, desetljećima iskustva i osobnim savjetovanjem rješavamo sve zadaće ravnog krova.
Naš iskusan partner rado Vas podupire:
Aqua Promet d.o.o.
Miramarska 34
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel. 00 385 1 6311 040
Fax 00 385 1 6151 402

Met het platte dak systeem van Alwitra bieden wij u de maximale veiligheid voor uw dakafdichting.
Als enige producent bieden wij alle onderdelen van een waterdicht systeem oplossing:
Dak en dichtingsbanen, aluminiumprofielen, plat dak drainage, plat dak ventilatie, daglicht systemen en veel meer.
Technisch perfect op elkaar afgestemd en wereldwijd bewezen in praktijk.
Met innovatieve producten , tientallen jaren ervaring, en persoonlijk advies lossen wij alle problemen met platte daken op.
Onze ervaren partner helpt u graag.
WeKa Daksystemen BV
(EVALON® Flachdach-System)
Binnendamseweg 96
NL-3381 GD Giessenburg
Tel. 00 31 184 61 86 99
Fax 00 31 184 67 99 22

SealEco B.V.
(EVALASTIC® Flachdach-System)
Handelsweg 20
NL-8152 BN Lemelerveld
Tel. 00 31 572 371 027
Fax 00 31 572 371 014

Coverit Flachdachabdichtungs GmbH
Kalzitstr. 3
A-4611 Buchkirchen
Tel. 00 43 72 43 523 20
Fax 00 43 72 43 523 2020
Systemy dachów płaskich firmy alwitra zapewniają niezawodną szczelność Państwa dachu. Jako jedyny producent proponujemy wszystkie komponenty najwyższej jakości, jako spójne rozwiązanie systemowe : folie hydroizolacyjne, aluminiowe profile obróbkowe, elementy odprowadzenia wody, wywietrzniki i kominki wentylacyjne, świetliki i wiele innych technicznie ze sobą współgrających i wielokroć sprawdzonych w praktyce na całym świecie.
Innowacyjnymi produktami,wieloletnim doświadczeniem i bezpośrednim doradztwem rozwiążemy każde Państwa „dachowe” zadanie.
Chętnie Państwu pomoże nasz doświadczony partner :
Polting S.A.
ul. Jagodowa 10
PL-44-109 Gliwice
Tel. +48 32 232 58 70

O sistema de impermeabilização de telhado plano alwitra proporciona a máxima segurança para a sua construção.
Nós somos o único fabricante oferecendo todos os componentes necessários para a impermeabilização de seu telhado plano, com uma solução proporcionada por um sistema completo: mantas de impermeabilização, perfis de alumínio, sistema de drenagem, janelas para telhado plano, sistemas de iluminação natural e muito mais – com uma combinação tecnicamente perfeita e comprovada pelo uso efetivo em todo o mundo.
Com produtos inovadores, décadas de experiência e suporte técnico, podemos resolver qualquer desafio de impermeabilização de telhado plano.
Nosso parceiro experiente terá todo o prazer em ajudar:
Rua das Lages, 524
P-410-272 Canelas VNG
Tel. 00 351 227 151 230
Fax 00 351 227 123 788

Con el sistema integral de impermeabilización para cubiertas planas de alwitra, le aportamos la máxima seguridad en la estanqueidad de su cubierta. Somos el único fabricante que ofrece todos los componentes acuíferos necesarios en cubiertas como solución integral: Láminas sintéticas para impermeabilización, perfiles de cierre de aluminio, sumideros, aireadores, claraboyas y más – un sistema totalmente integrado entre si y testado a nivel mundial. A través de productos innovadores, décadas de experiencia y asesoramiento personalizado, solucionamos el acabado para cualquier tipo de cubierta.
Nuestro socio experimentado le asistirá con mucho gusto:
Kolter-Sonne S.l.
Pol. Ind. de Multiva Baja, C/K, n°5
E -31192 Mutilva Baja (Navarra)
Tel. 00 34 948 292 686
Fax 00 34 948 249 043

Onduline Espana
Poligno industrial El Campillo, Fase 2, P-12
E-48500 Gallarta, Bizkaia.
Tel. 0034-946369444

The alwitra flat roof waterproofing system provides maximum security for your building. We are the only manufacturer to offer all the necessary components for the waterproofing of your flat roof as a complete system solution: waterproofing membranes, aluminium profiles, flat roof drainage, flat roof vents, daylight systems and much more – technically perfectly matched and proven worldwide in practical use. With innovative products, decades of experience and technical support we can resolve any flat roof waterproofing challenge.
Our experienced partner will be happy to assist
Yang Ma Sports Tech Co.Ltd.
1/416 Moo 17, Km 26
Paholyothin 60 Rd.
Kukod, Lamlukka, Pathumthani 12130, Thailand
Tel. 00662 5322 518
Fax 00662 5322 688
The alwitra flat roof waterproofing system provides maximum security for your building. We are the only manufacturer to offer all the necessary components for the waterproofing of your flat roof as a complete system solution: waterproofing membranes, aluminium profiles, flat roof drainage, flat roof vents, daylight systems and much more – technically perfectly matched and proven worldwide in practical use. With innovative products, decades of experience and technical support we can resolve any flat roof waterproofing challenge.
Our experienced partner will be happy to assist
Na Poříčí 1041/12
CZ-110 00 Praha
Tel.: +420 474 336 700
Fax: +420 474 334 031

The alwitra flat roof waterproofing system provides maximum security for your building. We are the only manufacturer to offer all the necessary components for the waterproofing of your flat roof as a complete system solution: waterproofing membranes, aluminium profiles, flat roof drainage, flat roof vents, daylight systems and much more – technically perfectly matched and proven worldwide in practical use. With innovative products, decades of experience and technical support we can resolve any flat roof waterproofing challenge.
Our experienced partner will be happy to assist
Western International Insulation Materials L.L.C.
Tameem House, Office Suite No. 1 & 2, Level 17
P.O. Box 73820
Tel. +971 4 453 1701
Fax +971 4 453 1701